
Thursday, November 18, 2010

23 Things Summary

What a ride this techno-journey has been. I am personally gratified by accomplishing the requirements of this course, as they were for me time-consuming and arduous, but in true keeping with my goal of being a lifelong learner. I can now use numerous tools professionally or for personal use or fun. Since I like to write I enjoyed blogging and became adept, I feel, at linking within blog posts.

An unexpected outcome was my changed view of social networking. My up close and personal contact with the various vehicles proved my negative preconceptions of them incorrect. They offer far more than time-consuming frivolity.
A bit more encouragement and acknowledgement along the way with the more difficult parts of the course would have been nice. But I knew there would be no help from the facilitators from the start. It forced me to go to a colleague, who had completed the course, for help with the glitches. Social networking of a different sort!

Giving myself the gift of 15 minutes time daily to not just read email (how Old-School Technology does that sound, now??!!) but checking my Google Reader articles and even seeking out new areas of interest, would keep me current. I may even check in with Classroom 2.0 periodically to see what the latest is there. I am seriously considering a Twitter account, too, now that I see, as expressed in "Thing 23," how valuable it can be in education. I may even take the plunge and add my blog URL to my e-mail signature line, for all interested parties to take a gander.

I am more convinced that I have been using a straw--no a coffee stirrer--to try to drink at the floodgate of ever-increasing volumes of technology being developed. As I noted many times along the way in this "23 Things" journey, the possibilities are endless but the prospects overwhelming when I think of my one little mind trying to wrap around it all. But I am grateful for the opportunity to take the trip. Thank you, Mary. Thank you, Misti. Thank you, MISD Staff Development. Thank you, understanding husband. Thank you, God.

Thing #23 Classroom 2.0 and Twitter

Classroom 2.0 is the brainchild of computer technology educator Steve Hargadon, who narrates the tour of his web tool via video of himself moving about the site and showing some of what it offers. He demonstrates how chat, audio, video, tags, topics and threaded dialogue can all be incorporated around discussions of a particular nature. Hargadon calls it a "social networking site for those interested in Web 2.0 and collaborative technologies."

For teachers Classroom 2.0 is an extremely valuable and helpful way to find answers, to seek out and share information and experience, and to explore up-to-date applications of web tools regarding esoteric subjects related to educating students.
My response to all I took in on the tour is that it is a bit overwhelming to think of all the potential within. Even the home page and layout is so busy-looking and complex that it is a reminder of how much time it would take to participate in such a venture. On the other hand, like so much of technology today, it would also be very time saving, once getting into it, to contact and learn from others in one's own tagged interest area and get input from others who walk and talk education.

From a specific question like, "Do you know of a book appropriate for 6th graders set in South America?" to blogs about technology in the classroom, to calendars about (on- or off-line)events, tips, classes, webcasts, etc. coming up or announcements of a Global Education Conference, there is something for everyone in the field of education to reach out and enter into social networking thereby.
As for Twitter, my impression of it changed totally to great respect once I delved into it. Twitter—the oft-derided social networking platform on which participants share text dispatches of no more than 140 characters—to connect with colleagues from around the world and generate ideas for teaching and professional growth.

When I sampled our "23 Things" Fearless Leader's tweets I learned so much, and agreed with the previous article's assessment that Twitter is a source of collective intelligence, it's getting information quickly, though not taking the place of Professional Staff Development. Because of the Twitter constraints of 140 characters per tweet, it reminds me of the reading comprehension summarizing skill activity called "Get the Gist," where we teach students to pare down a piece into approximately 10 words. It forces one to express the main idea succinctly. Twitter does that by people getting right to the most meaningful, richest kernel of a topic.

The Thirty Interesting Ways to Use Twitter in the Classroom were amazing eye-openers. If a classroom of students beheld such activities on a Promethean Board before their corporate eyes, what a powerful learning opportunity that would be!
Now, as is the nature of ever-burgeoning technology, with the new version of Twitter and all it offers there are even more possibilities to bring our students into modern, cutting edge technologies like Twitter.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thing # 22 Social Networking

It was helpful to view the Melissa Shank videos about Facebook. Facebook's goal is "Helping you connect and share with the people you care about." I signed up for it using totally fabricated information on my profile. I watched the video of Mark Zuckerberg and learned much from him, with great respect for this young cyber-genius. I did not know Facebook was a collection of sites organized around various interests, topics, etc. I had the concept that it was a huge investment of of time I really don't feel like I have to spend chatting and gossiping, but, admittedly, it has been tempting to use it to reconnect with past and current friends.
The News Feed section shows how many friends are commenting on a certain piece of content, who posted the content, and what type of content it is. The Entertainment section could provide means of sharing opinions about movies, concerts, Dancing With the Stars results, etc. for leisure time. While I do agree with the question, If we don't model productive, responsible uses of social networking tools for our students, how will they learn to be productive, responsible users of these tools?" I still am resistant to get into the social networking arena, and I view all of the sections with the somewhat jaded opinion that there are better ways to spend my time. I am sure it is here to stay and huge numbers of people are enjoying social networking but I am too leary of having photos and information out there forever for techy people to misuse.
Even though I feel that I write more effectively than I speak, and thus can benefit from connecting socially through writing, I feel that face to face social interaction is far superior. Electronic communication is certainly the next best thing when physical or geographical limitations are present.
While I am glad to have a working knowledge of social networking, and see the attraction it has for our students, I also see how it can lead to people being more isolated from others physically with their computer or phone at hand, spending hours alone but not feeling they are alone. It seems oxymoronic. I am also glad our district prohibits having our students as our Facebook Friends, as I see huge potential for dangerous ground there.
Society in general seems so driven to "reach out and touch someone," as the old telephone commmercial goes, or be touched by someone. We are social beings and learning does take place by social interaction in social settings, so educators need to recognize and value that.
It's interesting that, having talked with high-schoolers, Facebook's founder, Zuckerberg, learned that young people, (in their ever present zest for instant gratification--my words, not his), felt that email was "too slow." Now he has introduced another social networking phenomena that some say threatens to make emailing in the usual sense obsolete. Ah, Web 2.0, will your wonders never cease?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thing # 7b Google Reader

A favorite I follow is "Elementary Writing, The official blog of Make Literature Online project." Yesterday I found an article called "Twitter Poetry - New Genre?" Although the article is dated April 8, 2009, it is timely for me for two reasons.
At a family reunion this past weekend, one of our elders, who is an almost-80-year-old docent at the Crow Museum of Asian Art in downtown Dallas, gave a fascinating presentation on Japanese Haiku. Right away I noticed the Google Reader article's discussion of "tiwHaiku," a way of publishing one's "poetry to large number of people, to the audience that cares." TwiHaiku's official web site offers the opportunity for people to subscribe and follow the best collection of free short verse poetry online.
The Reader article goes on to describe, praise, quantify, and give examples of twiHaiku as well as taut the TwiHaiku phenomena as "Social media marriage made in electronic heaven," "TwiHaiku – Twitter hijacked all for poetry!," and as a "New poetry form for the 21th century."
The second reason the article is especially timely for me is that I will be looking into Twitter and other social networking avenues in this "23 Things" course. Twitter is further described in the Google Reader article as having"become one of the, if not the single most important Web 2.0 medium in the world. More people are joining this micro-blogging service everyday, discovering twitter poetry, and many different forms it is taking on." The article persuades readers how easy it is to contribute one's own effort at this simple literary art form.
Further, the article delves into other poetry forms, acrostics and limericks, which I also enjoy and find worthwhile in teaching elementary students. The lengthy article branches off into other matters of less interest to me, but the main emphases, the mix of Twitter and Haiku, were of an extremely timely interest to me.

Thing # 21 Google Tools

In exploring the options with Google Tools, I choose to make my own iGoogle home page. Notice the Japanese Tea House, in keeping with Thing # 21's Japanese Haiku theme? I like the soft but luminous lights sprinkled throughout the picture and the little cartoon fox on the dock. I added a couple of gadgets, the Quotes of the Day and the pair of roaming turtles--so cute!

I also fiddled around with my own Google Calendar, charting my hours of crunch time work on this online "23 Things" course. It shows in graphic terms my efforts each evening to catch up and finish.

I must admit after reading some of the comments others left on the iGoogle site I was skeptical about adding gadgets. Maybe it's my suspicious nature, but I got the feeling Google was planting ways to track me and my movements in cyberspace or get information to base the sending of salacious emails to my account. Google is a mighty force in our world and seems to be very powerful. Just look at all the creative, useful and captivating ways it has to cast its spell over people. Larry Page for President!!! :o)

Thing # 20 Exploring Google Docs

Right away, upon initial use of Google Docs, I noticed how easy it is to find one's way around and separate those items shared with others and those just for my use. The vast array of templates available make it so easy to jump right into categories of either public or self-created documents---everything from budgets and schedules to albums, drawings, letters, resumes and statistics. The preview feature of each template gives clear viewing of the layout and shows how user-friendly each one is.

The Monthly Calendar Portrait could be used for year-at-a-glance activity recording. My counterparts in Title I could create a document about the upcoming Math Carnival we are responsible for. We could use this tool to write all steps in planning, organizing and carrying out the endeavor.

The spreadsheet feature could contain grade levels and which games or activities each was doing at the carnival. Another page could show which staff members were on Set Up and which are on Clean Up. The Team Contact List Template could be used for all the parent volunteers lined up to assist.

Another assignment my fellow Title I teachers and I have, along with our Counselor, is to present training we attended to the staff on Response To Intervention, or RTI. We could collaboratively create the outlines and content for our presentation. Instead of meeting physically to work on this, each one could, at their individual free moments, contribute their ideas or parts to the documents, and include whatever pertinent photos, spreadsheets, tables, links, etc. in the work. The Blank Survey Template could be used to evaluate our presentation at the end.

As with so many features of Web 2.0, Google Docs has limitless possibilities for practical use in education or personal life. And it's free!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thing # 19 Voicethread

Another fascinating tool to use technology in personal or professional life is Voicethread. This tool gives people a way to converse in a variety of ways about photos, images, documents, videos, or any combination thereof. The respondents can choose to do so by audio comments with or without a photo of themselves, by typed text or by drawing, underlining, making arrows, circle, etc. to point out specifics. They can use microphone voice, telephone, webcam or upload to post their comments around the item being discussed.The ability to enlarge the photo or subject makes specific responses even more exact.

Having just returned from a family reunion, I can envision the planning of such an event made much easier by using voicethread. A photo of the possible venues, with different cabins and meeting areas, could be viewed, commented on, selected, discussed. An agenda and menus could be displayed and interacted upon by various family members. Sites and activities in the area for extended stays could be shown, with others sharing their experiences of those. This might encourage more to take part and give valuable input.

In education, it's hard to expand upon the 100 ideas for use already out there, but I can see progressive meetings or ones in stages taking place around, say a book or piece of literature. Page by page elementary grade level team members could contribute their comments on the important aspects: main idea, important verses interesting, literary conventions, character development, details, setting, etc.

Students could even work in groups in this way, assuring each one of their choice of response while using technology to help express themselves clearly. Group projects at any grade level--even higher education--could be effected without the sometimes difficult task of all assembling together physically in one spot. Virtual meetings, even of faculty or staff development could employ Voicethread to everyone's advantage.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Thing # 18

You Tube,which bills itself as "The largest worldwide video-sharing community!" is a phenomenon sweeping cyberspace with a plethora of subject matter, both serious and fluffy, both informational and entertaining, both professional and totally random, both religious and secular. The fact that anyone can upload video clips to You Tube makes it totally user friendly and gives it wide appeal. In getting around You Tube this piece Chris O'Neal's Blog on Edutopia was very helpful.

What teacher has not dreamed of and longed for a way to interject appropriate video clips into teaching to make certain points extremely visual? Along with vehicles to use movie clips in the classroom, a teacher's use of You Tube in the classroom makes the dream reachable with information like this article Brenda Dyck's Blog on Education World.

All educators are familiar with the problems and issues of the profession. Staff Development addresses many of these. Lest we take educational professional development too seriously, a lighthearted look at one of these issues, funding, is illustrated by Educationally Impolite's "Funny Professional Development for Teachers" in the You tube video sample of their series, embedded at right. You Tube is a site one could spend hours at a time on, learning, laughing, being moved or inspired, or any of an inordinant number of other vicarious experiences through the use of "The largest worldwide video-sharing community!"

Monday, November 1, 2010

Thing # 17 Podcasts Without An iPod

I had heard podcasts before, as my husband was interviewed on one I listened to a while back, but I had no idea of how they were derived and the wide applications and uses of them until this Thing # 17. I used the directory Education Podcast Network but got to literature sites that had high school level material and I wanted elementary level. I found a group of podcasts that had delightful children's Australian accents telling about their town of Ballina, New South Wales, but there were no RSS feeds with them. I found some interesting subject matter on PBS Podcasts, but they were more professional and mature-oriented for this elementary level-seeking Blogger Babe.

I went to Jamestown Elementary Podcast Project was delighted to see even young elementary school children's podcast productions, but I could not get sound on them. Looking for English Language content, I visited The Bob and Rob Show: English Lessons but found these a little dry for me personally. After trying one site that was too "busy looking" and off-putting and one that required downloading iTunes, I kept looking.

Finally I hit upon History Podcast and found topics ranging from Cleopatra to Roman Aqueducts to Pocahontas. I found out that the Disney movie, "Pocahontas" has factually incorrect information about this historical female figure. This is the one I chose to put the RSS feed of onto my Google Reader site.

This Web 2.0 vehicle, the podcast, which can incorporate music or sound effects along with the spoken word, can be useful with all ages and subjects in education. Teachers and students alike can employ them to give presentations or information. Students would gain confidence and pride in their work learning about their subject and putting podcasts together.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Thing # 16 Library Thing

Library Thing is a site where "everyone can be a Librarian." In fact, when trying to link it, I kept reaching my own "lynkay" site rather than just plain On this site one can connect with people who like to read the same books or types of books, comment on books, tag books, sort by books read/books owned/books wished for, interact with others, view author groups, and the list goes on of ways to "socialize" via cyberspace with book lovers.

I did join and create a library of books I have particularly enjoyed reading and tagged them. It seemed to give importance to my preferences to realize I can customize my own choices and that others can view my decisions about tags, relate to them or even be inspired to read them---or not. The Suggester was an books-type feature, although each time I tried this I got an error message. More interesting, was the Unsuggester, turning, "Other people who bought this book also bought . . ." on its head to "did you like . . . ? You will not like . . ."

Since I do not have a lot of time for reading for pleasure, it was astounding to me to see the great variety of books people enjoy. I conclude that many people are prolific readers and do not read just for professional requirements but find/take time to read what they want to for pleasure. I was envious. So many great titles, so little time.

This is way off topic in a way, but I liked scrolling at the bottom through the many interesting and creative names of people who joined Library Thing, located together on this part of the site 50 Books Challenge. The Zeitgeist feature (firehose meets mouth) is an amazing array of Top books, ratings, authors, collections, etc. It also was a hoot scanning all the interesting name of people populating these lists.

Library Thing is definitely not just a book thing. It's a whole huge library---a plethora of titles and book-related things-type thing. It's truly a fascinating Web 2.0 avenue for social networking.

Thing # 15 Social Bookmarking and Tagging with Delicious

Exploring was, to me, more user-friendly than some of the activities in the "23 Things" course have been. I was able to navigate the site and requirements a little more easily and quicker than other processes.

The concept of sharing sites with others according to personally-chosen tags, or topics, was appealing in that it gives identifying information to other people who share the same interests. It makes locating information on the web quicker and to the point, profiting from other people's searches, bookmarks and tags.

It was cool to see my bookmarked sites (TasteSpotting | a community driven visual potluck by lynkay2463 Yesterday 6:23 pm;lynkay2463's Bookmarks on Delicious by lynkay2463 Yesterday 6:35 pm) on the "misd23things" wikispaces site soon after tagging them with the same. The skill of embedding with an RSS feed was directly applicable to this activity.

I enjoyed viewing the sites of other "23 Things" participants. There were topics and sites I would not have thought of and outside of my usual range of interests. The idea of social networking is more real to me by experiencing the offerings of

Friday, October 29, 2010

Things # 7a and 7b Google Reader Revisited

Checking my Google Reader today I found an especially appropriate article from Tech & Learning. On this Halloween weekend, creepy, morbid and disgusting things are in order. This theme prevailed in "You Wouldn't Want to Be a Mummy! Disgusting Things You'd Rather Not Know," which is the title of an actual web book. It gives a detailed account of steps in the mummification process, the funeral, burial, etc.of an Egyptian person in a humorous way that addresses the reader as though they were the mummy, warning what is about to happen or is at the moment happening to them.

Students would enjoy learning these facts because of the satire and dark humor, along with drawings, pictorials and designs. This is one of several books by Salariya Book Company, each elaborating on grisly facts about subjects like Whaling, Gladiators, Explorers. The use of first person mixed with humor makes these free web books attractive, especially to students who prefer online reading to a traditional book.

I found the combination of technology and content learning, along with the timely, seasonal monster-like topic of dead people being mummified, an unbeatable mix for this assignment. There were a lot of other good reads in my Google Reader, but "mum"'s the word on those for now, ghouls and boys!

Thing # 14 Discovering Web 2.0 Tools

Trying some of these tools was entertaining, enlightening and amazing. I found that some of these offered the option to use Flikr and the Commons section, with which I was familiar from previous Thingstering. But it was also frustrating to try to experience some of these tools.

I tried creating a newsletter for family and friends called "The Fall Sun Fun Times," on one favorite site, and I repeatedly attempted to create on it but I could not figure out how to complete it, save it and upload it to my blog--all in proper sequence. The one I ended up managing to apply to my blog was not my favorite, but one I could figure out.

Toondoo allows one to customize cartoons and speech bubbles, using image selections provide or one's own. It's a clever way of getting content into students' hands without their being bored or turned off. They would have to know something about the content before they could put it into a fun, student-friendly cartoon.

The tools are so versatile and helpful in countless ways. They can save busy people--which educators are not busy?--lots of time in putting out excellent products in 21st century web work. The fact that so many of the numerous ones listed are interactive and can be uploaded by various means--to email, blogs, social network sites, etc., makes them have wide appeal in this very cyber-socially-oriented world of today.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Thing # 13 Image Generators - B

On Techy Learning Mawmaw's blog I particularly enjoyed seeing the combination of music with videoed flowers (one of my favorite subjects, as you'll notice on my own blog page). On the Blog called "23 Things to Learn About Web 2.0" I liked seeing the two of the image generators I did not try and seeing them cleverly: Smiley Face Logo Creator and Comic Strip Generator.
Visiting others' Blogs made me want to explore some of the ones I did not and wish I had not spent so much time trying to master some instead of going on to try others.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Thing # 13 Image Generators - A

It was cool exploring all the wildly creative avenues available on the online Image Generators. One of my favorites was this compilation of favorite images on flowers on Mosaic Maker using photos from Flickr.

Spelling out my Blogger name (shown below)with Spell With Flickr was both fun and fascinating, as there were hundreds of options of photos of every letter of the alphabet. Choosing from the treasure trove--which letter style and which mix of letters--could entertain one a great while.

My attempts at making a banner with Happy Face Generator were very frustrating. I spent way too much time trying to get the banner to upload, after designing it several times and trying on two different computers. I also was unable to save the photos onto my hard drive or locate them in the downloads when I needed them. I really wanted to put that banner as a gadget on my Blog, but I finally had to let it go.

My desire to conquer the task at hand drove me to spend hours, which I cannot really afford to do if I finish the course on time. Following the instruction of having several created images is going to have to be more loosely interpreted, as far as how many "several" is.

Wikipedia's article explaining Mashups certainly was enlightening about how merging, combining digital data into new creations can be done with these imaginative Image Generators. Using them for professional or personal correspondence, student reports and products, or fun hobbies, are just some of the possibilities.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Thing # 12 Created and Embedded Slideshow

While wandering through the wonderland of Flickr, many photos caught my eye because of their outstanding light features. I was not successful in copying these for my themed group slideshow, but I still want to share them here.

Light and its various accents used in photography, makes for stunning effects. These photos are examples of the marvelous beauty changing aspects in light can add to a subject. Light can even be the subject.

While I was not successful at using the selected Flikr photos in my slideshow, I was able to upload some of my own and link the slideshow here. Reminiscent of Psalms 119:9 and Ephesians 5:26, it features a young man being washed both spiritually and physically. Then I embedded a slide show with the same selected theme from another source, Picasa Web Albums.

This was the most complicated assignment for me so far. I missed those training wheels of support in each previous assignment and was forced by sheer determination to repeatedly hunt, search, review and finally learn how to execute this important Web 2.0 skill of making and embedding a slide show. Whew!! Can you smell the sweat? I feel like I need to jump into those refreshing waves above! I do not feel the freshness of each new morning depicted in the slide show.

Yet, I am still not sure I have accomplished the intended goal. I created and slideshow and I embedded a slideshow, alright, but they were two different siideshows and the one I embedded was not using Flickr photos or ones I uploaded to Flickr. For me I will call it good, though, as I have given it my best shot after many, many hours of work. I'm moving on to the next Thing.

Be my friend

Be my friend
Originally uploaded by dellafels
uploaded onto Flickr by dellafels on 19 October 10, 2010. Part of my "23 Things" online technology class' slideshow images revealing interesting uses of light and shadow.

October 22, 2010 sunset 030

October 22, 2010 sunset 030
Originally uploaded by matt44053
This is part of an amazing progression of photos posted on Flickr by matt44053 on 22 Oct 2010. He captured the process of setting sun in an array of shots.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Thing # 11 Fabulous Flickr

Flickr photos are eye candy! My trail through photos upon hundreds of photos posted online was so amazing that it tempted me to take up photography as a hobby. It made for vicarious visits to gorgeous places, a chance to "meet" some very interesting people via their photos, and rare views of some intriguing artistic creations. One series of photos, when I happened upon them, had just moments earlier been posted. The progression of setting sun with it's glorious, blazing sky was a special treat I enjoyed discovering.

It is hard for me to grasp what must be like a hobby for people investing time taking photos and downloading them onto the web. Then others can come along and sort, tag, and catalog myriads of photos to suit their own needs.

The generosity of photographers in sharing their work must bring pleasure to them as well as to those who relish viewing the photos and using them in their own work. Thanks to the wonders of Web 2.0 and the freedoms that come with Creative Commons licensing, the possibilities are endless. Uploading one's own collection for safekeeping is an extraordinary paperless option rather than keeping stacks of photo albums on a dusty shelf somewhere. Flickr, you are fabulous!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Thing # 10 Creative Commons

Along with other mind-blowing aspects of technology this online course has opened up to me, the concept of Creative Commons is an idea, as they say, "whose time has come," by virtue of the fact that the world wide web is accessible by anyone, anytime, anywhere. The volume of material on the web is staggering, so it is appropriate to realize that the constraints of the old terminology of full copyright is not flexible enough for the interactive internet arena.

Since ordinary people have the right and ability to access and post freely, it seems ideal, even expedient, to give them the liberty to use others' material in certain ways skipping the intermediaries. It is very freeing to the creative spirit to be able to share, reuse, remix items others authored in ways that fit one's own ideas or products. Without the hassle of seeking permission, or going through a legion of lawyers, people may more easily participate in a richer, more vibrant, creative world.

I have not noticed the CC logo on websites I visit, but I will certainly be on the lookout for it. I do not consider myself a frequent enough user of posting on the internet--other than for this class--to be particular about my work being used by others. But I am well aware of fair use and copyrights in photocopying, etc. from classroom protocols. So if I do use other people's internet material in the future, I am confident that I will do so with an awareness of the license stipulations, especially if it is marked with the CC logo.

Thing # 9 Playing in the Wiki Sandbox

This one has been the most time-consuming Thing yet, as I have hit snag after snag learning to read carefully (and read again, and reread, then read what I read). It was truly a trial and error experience that I would not always label "play," which to me indicates fun and pleasure.

Alternating frustration and elation came as I misunderstood and wasn't successful at some parts and completed others. I did have to seek help from another "23 Things" graduate. Even discovering how to operate features on the computer, as well as navigating the instructions, was challenging.

Moving back and forth from home computer to school computer, from Safari to Firefox, from monitor to printed page, from instructions to play area involved some fancy dancing! All the above, while keeping up with the Rangers and their quest to win the ALCS, mind you, was tricky!

I tried to be Anal Annette in following instructions to the letter. The sample helped as---I confessed this in my first Blog post---I am not good at visualizing a finished product. The leeway given to be creative and add my own style and touches was the fun part, once I had a handle on the operations needed.

Finally, with great relief, I feel the finished product, my very own wiki page, is one I am pleased to let others know about. My evaluators may not be as thrilled, as I am still not sure about the Table of Contents. It does not look right to me, but I am pressing on in this technology trek . . . to Thing # 10.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thing # 8 Stretch

While exercising I watched a PBS special, "Michael Feinstein's American Songbook," because I enjoyed his singing and piano playing, the old World War II songs, Gershwin and other eras of music. As for the content of the program, it is astounding how much memorabilia the artist and many others have collected related to American music history. Sheet music by the tons, recordings of radio programs, recordings of WW II presentations heard only by our troops and then spirited away, video and tape recordings are in abundance in folks' personal and professional collections. People have built and arranged entire rooms to house such items of American music history.

Looking up Michael Feinstein in Wikipedia, I thought surely a person's bio would be straightforward, cut-and-dried, simple. I did find factual and pertinent information and even mention of many of the topics in the television special. But a visit to the Discussion tab revealed substantive exchanges among people about information appearing in the original post which no longer appears. The Revision History of the wiki was amazing in the length of the list of input by many participants---53 additions, changes or deletions on the first page alone, just dating back to 2009. My understanding of the Wiki dynamic grows by visiting Wikipedia. Since it is "open to the public" for editing, it was quite interesting to examine how the interactive process of a wiki works.

Thing #8 What in the World is a Wiki?

A few of the wikis I looked at are:
1001 Flat World Tales
Code Blue
Discovery Utopias
Dr. Reich's Chemistry Wiki
Go West
Kindergarten Counting Book
Primary Math
Wikis are quite interesting items of technology that seem similar to web sites yet have distinct differences. Each one is individual in appearance and layout, with or without photos, graphics or art work. The intent in the educational ones are for Teachers to disseminate information to their students, with course syllabuses, instructions, explanations, schedules, assignments, projects, etc. Student comments, questions, work, photos and projects can also appear on educational wikis. Even young children can post writings, diagrams, etc. in a meaningful way for all to access.

The aspect of this tool for many people to participate in is a difference in a wiki and a web site. Material in a wiki can be input by many participants, edited, added to, etc., in a dynamic way, whereas a web site is static, to be changed only by the designer or web master. Contrary to building a web site, "There is no HTML to learn or any programming interface to master. You simply click on the wiki page’s 'Edit' button" to add, delete or change something.

Another refreshing difference in a wiki from a web site is the absence of advertising on most wikis. The wiki focused and to the point about the topic or project, with no distracting frills, no flashing messages, no tricky paths to follow to other areas of the web.

I can imagine how useful a wiki would be in a collaborative project with other teachers, with students to directly communicate crucial information, or to plan events involving many people. Even large family reunions, as a personal use, could be managed more easily than making a lot of phone calls or exchanging emails. They are superior to conference calls because there is a black and white written record of each participant's input. Wikis open up a new world of learning and communicating interactively, such as the solicitation for thousands of responses from students over the world to input on the Thousands Project.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Thing # 7 Commenting On Blogs

At the onset of this online course I did not really understand the difference in social networking and blogging. I surely did not understand that commenting was important in blogging. So I appreciated the insights shared on blogger commenting protocol. It just makes sense that if people take time to share their thoughts, they welcome and deserve to have readers respond. Conversation is at the core of learning, whether in person on in print.

After reading comments to my own blog, I experienced the value in commenting. We hear so much about dialoguing and discussing issues, as that is how people are generally programmed to be social and interactive by nature. What better way to be connected to a worldwide community of learners than to blog and exchange thoughts via comments. We can reach out to people all over the globe via the blogosphere with its aspect of commenting.

I understand and appreciate blogging more now and discern the difference more clearly in it and social networking. While both have great capacity for change and definite uses, I feel the educational value of blogging is invaluable. The interplay of thoughts at perhaps a more cerebral level than activities of social networking tools make the two animals by nature very different.

While both types of cyberspace connections cry for responses from the readers, I understand why commenting on blogs is different. It's a tool for confirming, sharing, rethinking and shaping ideas. Without commenting there would be only one voice, a monologue rather than a conversation.

Thing # 6 The RSS Adventure

As I wandered through various blogs out there in the blogosphere I realized how much reading there is to do daily to keep up with all the interesting matters. I also became aware of how focused I needed to be in such a pursuit to satisfy the 23 Things requirements, changing from one browser to another, one bookmark to another, noticing whether to copy and paste, click subscribe, add, follow, edit, preview, etc. The sheer mechanics of this adventure demand lots of concentration for me as well as visual memory and a kind of innate sense about finding one's way around the screens and layouts of so many pages of text and formatting.

One topic may contain so many titles to choose from that time could easily get away following various threads. It was intriguing and tempting to get off course. I am, again, amazed at the sheer volume of information out there to be sifted through. It is like the proverbial use of a straw to take tiny sip from a gushing fire hydrant.

It is fascinating that "techno geniuses" have devised a means for bringing the "news we want to use" to us by means of RSS feeds on topics that are pertinent to us. What a time saver. What a tool this would be for those doing research, as well as for the average lifelong learner who wants to stay current. Ah, technology! Thy name is truly incredulous!

Thing #5 Loss of Trees and Honeybees

Tornadoes in New York City? In Kansas, Oklahoma or Texas, for sure, but one rarely hears of them in The Big Apple. It was moving to read the personal comments of people who'd lived and worked around the earth-friendly giant trees ravaged and lost during the September 16, 2010, tornado that ripped through Brooklyn and Queens.

Perhaps a most unexpected and destructive aspect was that a huge colony of honeybees lived in one large tree cleft by the storm. The impact devastated the colony because of the demise of the one on whom its existence and operations depend, the queen bee. In a time when honeybees are dying in high numbers across the country, it is a double tragedy to lose both the bees and the trees, both of which are so necessary in our literal and figurative ecological landscape.

To think that a community of millions of bees was decimated due to the queen being lost and presumed dead, is sad. Marauders from other bee colonies came and stole the honey so that people could not salvage even it. Noble efforts to relocate the honeycomb, thinking to attract the queen and survivor bees, were not successful.

Reference was made to thousands of other trees throughout the area destroyed by the tornado, some in poignant detail. The piece was a sad commentary on the wrath of Mother Nature's less kinder side.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Thing # 4 - Blogging About Blogs

After sampling several blogs I realize they are as varying as individuals are, as creative as anyone cares to be, and as subject-specific as anyone has thoughts to share. The fact that blogs publish in a world-wide arena, and invite comments from world-wide readers, makes blogs an incredibly interactive tool and source of shared thought.

"How refreshing was the insight by on education's age-old quandary, to give homework or not. How paradigm-shifting was allowing blog-reading in SSR time, which introduces the idea of students having the choice to read blogs not just books at SSR time. How solid and convincing are the 13 reasons blogging is educationally sound for students in our time."

Blogging by its nature has students taking initiative to shape and express their own thoughts, to use their own voice in expressing thoughts, and to invite and evaluate others' thoughts. All these have built-in personal growth and ownership of learning in the blogging process. I understand and appreciate the value of blogging as never before.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Wow! It’s mind-boggling how fast technology is multiplying. It’s the age not just of information but now of digital information. So many possibilities lie ahead for our students to read, to explore, to create, to learn, to connect via cyberspace.
To think many of our students don’t have computers at home, their parents are computer illiterate and don’t understand the demands of the 21st century learner, let alone how many teachers are behind in technology themselves. Digital paths open up the world to our students, broadens their scope vicariously, empowers them as writers, publishers, photographers, design artists---on and on stream the possibilities.
Another of thought from my pragmatic side is that immediately the need for keyboarding skill is incumbent upon today's students so their fingers can find their way quickly for the many activities they can perform on computers. Text messaging can be with only two thumbs or fingers, and that’s a large part of how young people communicate today electronically. But that is not adequate for the new WWW world of Whatever, Whenever, Wherever.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Reflection on "7-1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners"

7 - 1/2 Habits of Effective Lifelong - a Reflection

Most challenging for me are Habits 1: Begin with the end in mind and Habit 5: Create your own learning toolbox.
Habit 1: While I like to put things into perspective when I teach, and show how everything relates to the bigger picture, I often find it hard to see the big picture before tackling a project. I am not good at visualizing the end. My husband can see the vision in detail when we undertake an endeavor around the home, but I do not have that gift. I see only what lies before me as far as what I need to do right now, then I need to be told what to do next, step by step to reach the goal.
Habit 5: I am not sure I know how to create my own learning toolbox as applies to this "23 Things" online class. I have read through the items but cannot picture myself yet being successful in gathering all the items into my toolbox. It's that visualizing thing again. I am confident I an take on the challenges but don't have the view of using the tools--at least not effectively--yet.
Habit 2: Accept responsibility for your own learning and Habit 4: Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner are both the most resonant for me as a lifelong learner and most important for me as I work through this course. Also for the latter Habit 3: View problems as challenges will be extremely important as I work through this course, as I do anticipate snags along the technological trail.